Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I find it so sad that people think work and making money is what life is all about. I guess it's because it's been ingrained in our minds since we were little kids; go to school and get a good education, get a good education to get a good job, get a good job that makes lots of money, get married, have kids, and live in a brick house in a suburban neighborhood next to all the other brick houses that look exactly the same, and then you will be happy. I  guess that is what some people want, but for others, they only do that because that is what society expects of them. It causes them to lose sight of all the dreams they had as little kids. You wonder why you were so happy when you were a kid, and then you grew up and everything changed.

It's kind of depressing when you think about it, that your life is based on working. People complain of being unhappy, that they have a boring job, that their marriage is falling apart because they aren't in love with their spouse anymore, and yet, they do nothing to change it when it can be so easily changed. If you are unhappy, take some time and really think about what you want to do in life. When you are old, how do you want to remember your life? How about that it was spectacular? If you hate your job, quit. It's as easy as that. Maybe you're making lots of money, but money is obvisouly not making you happy. If you've forgetten what it's like to love your spouse, take a step back and figure out where everything went wrong. Remember back when you were young and careless and nothing mattered except that you were with them? Remember how life was back then? What can you do to go back to that? Maybe it's your job thats getting in the way, maybe you've forgotten all the things that made you fall in love with them in the first place (those eyes, that smile), or maybe you need to get up and leave. Travel to the places you've always wanted to go, or maybe move there permanently.

But fixing your marriage is not what all of this is about.

We need to live to be inspired. We need to live to love. We need to live to be happy. We need to make our life the best that it  can be. Let life be spontaneous; if you wake up one morning and decide you want to move to Paris, then do it. Don't let it be a dream soon to be forgotten because of "reality". Dream. Love with all your heart. Simply love, without worrying about whether that person loves you back.


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